Access over 30 years of Specialist Knowledge with Orca, your AI assistant.
Click on the icon in the lower right corner to start a conversation with Orca. Orca is far different from most customer support AI. In its giant brain resides a wealth of hard knowledge including manuals, app notes, scientific journal papers, insightful email exchanges and more. Orca uses them to synthesize insighfuly answers to your questions, with relevant source documents are always cited and linked! So, give it a try! Strike up a conversation and challenge it with deeper follow-up questions. Orca, the smartest whale in the water. (See cookie/privacy note at bottom for more interesting details).
30 Years of Marine Technology for Science, Exploration, and Defense
Explore What We Can Do..
Acoustic Release
Remotely retrieve underwater gear anytime with high reliability and decades of tested performance. With two commercial models available, utilize efficient and fast-acting release control from the surface.
ARC-1XD™ - Ranging Acoustic Release
ARC-2™ - Low Cost Acoustic Release

SonarPoint™ PAM Acoustic Recorders
The third generation of Desert Star Systems Passive Underwater Acoustics Monitoring Recorders. Now available with GPS for atomic clock synchronization, the SonarPoint features flexible storage, long run-time, easy to service components and an affordable price.

Wildlife Satellite Tags
SeaTag™ is about enabling innovative research at a favorable cost to support studies at a realistic scale. Solar panals, reusability, & independantly measured data-points yield scientific results that are supported by a robust sample size. New with Spawning Detection!

Positioning Systems
SouthStar™ is our next-generation underwater positioning system, combining industry-leading precision and robust survey eith ease of use and a compact configuration. Great for target tracking, wireless or wired systems. SouthStar is designed to be customized to meet the needs of many applications.

Diver Air Pressure Alert
Air Pressure Alert System (APA) is an unobtrusive heads-up system specifically optimized to guard against low and out-of-air emergencies to prevent diving accidents.
The APA system is perfect for recreational divers to keep a close watch on your dive partner's air aupply as well as your own, or perfect for commerical divers who are focused on multi-tasking work underwater.
Ropeless Fishing
A Complete Ropeless Fishing System used commercially since 2012 with thousands of successful deployments. Featuring a robust, yet adaptable and reliable design for every fisher around the globe. Put your trust in a ropeless fishing system that is proven to increase your profits and decrease gear loss.
Featuring Two Systems designed for near coastal or off-shore fishing environments.
DiveTracker™ Diver Navigation
The world's most reliable underwater diver navigation tool. A DiveTracker Set includes two units; a receiver and a transmitter.
Available in two models:
DiveTracker Sport™
DiveTracker Scout™

Acoustic Modems
The SAM-1™ acoustic modem is ideal for underwater data transmission at low to moderate speeds and distances up to 1000m. In contrast to high-speed acoustic modems, the SAM devices are much smaller, consume less power, are inexpensive, and work well in noisy environments.

Specialized Projects & Legacy Products
Contact us for consultation regarding specialized projects or availability of legacy products that are no longer in active production.
FrogEye™ NetTrack™ RangeNav™
SharkEye™ MicroMars™ AquaMap™
Who We Are...
Privacy & cookies notice: Few of us like cookies, unless they come in a jar. And for good reason! Computer cookies, small bits of information that are stored on your computer, can be used for obnoxious purposes. But not so here. Our Orca AI assistant uses cookies to remember you, and continue a conversation that you may have started a long time ago. "Remember when we discussed the accuracy of SeaTga position estimates?" Yes, Orca will remember you and can pick up where you left off. But Orca first anonymizes you. As far as Orca is concerned, you might be "Los Angeles Butterfly" for example. So no-one can trace a conversation to the real you. Our Odoo based web site also uses cookies, which are described in a Odoo privacy note and are also only used to support the functioning of the web site. In any case, Desert Star never sells or distributes any collected infromation. All these cookies serve strictly technical reasons. Which makes them quite bland and hardly noticeable. But at least not obnoxious.